The Test Content Engine Connection command is selected which gives the result as shown in Figure 13.28:
Figure 13.28: The Test Content Engine Connection command is selected
After running the Update the FileNet P8 Client Connector Files task, we have to restart the IBM Content Navigator Configuration Manager program, since the Jace.jar file it uses is also updated, as shown, highlighted, in the console log window in Figure 13.29:
Figure 13.29: After running the “Update the FileNet P8 Client Connector Files” task we have to restart
We Exit the IBM Content Navigator configuration and deployment program tool, using the File | Exit menu item command as shown in Figure 13.30:
Figure 13.30: Exit the IBM Content Navigator configuration and deployment program tool
On restarting the Configuration Manager tool, using the commands:
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 configure]# export SWT_GTK3=0
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 configure]# ./configmgr
We have to browse to the profile file (/opt/IBM/configure/profiles/ICN3-0-13-installation/ICN3-0-13-installation.cfgp), we have been using by selecting the File | Open Profile… menu item as shown in Figure 13.31:
Figure 13.31: Select the File | Open Profile menu to open the ICN3-0-13-installation.cfgp profile file
The profile file (/opt/IBM/configure/profiles/ICN3-0-13-installation/ICN3-0-13-installation.cfgp) is selected as shown in Figure 13.32:
Figure 13.32: The profile file, ICN3-0-13-installation.cfgp, is selected
The File | Edit Profile Properties… menu item must be selected again to confirm the connections are working after the update of the Jace.jar file and to enter any omitted passwords again as shown in Figure 13.33:
Figure 13.33: The File | Edit Profile Properties… menu item must be selected again
The screen above was selected using the menu item as shown in Figure 13.34:
Figure 13.34: The File | Edit Profile Properties… menu item
The Test Connection button is used to confirm we can still connect to the AppSrv02 IBM WebSphere Application server profile as shown in Figure 13.35:
Figure 13.35: The Test Connection command button is used to confirm we can still connect to AppSrv02
The Deployment session timeout is increased to 600 seconds, as recommended by IBM support, shown in Figure 13.36, and the Next> button is selected:
Figure 13.36: The Deployment session timeout is increased to 600 seconds, as recommended by IBM support
The IBM FileNet P8 repository tick box is reconfirmed as shown in Figure 13.37:
Figure 13.37: The IBM FileNet P8 repository tick box is reconfirmed, and Finish selected
The Configure Process Engine for IBM Content Navigator task is selected for editing as shown in Figure 13.38:
Figure 13.38: The Configure Process Engine for IBM Content Navigator task is selected for editing
The Configure Process Engine for IBM Content Navigator task is run successfully, using the Run Task command as shown in Figure 13.39:
Figure 13.39: The “Configure Process Engine for IBM Content Navigator” task is run successfully
The exported LTPA keys we described in section LTPA Keyset Configuration and Key Export and Import are imported using the Import Your Content Engine LTPA keys task as shown in Figure 13.40:
Figure 13.40: The exported LTPA keys are imported using the “Import Your Content Engine LTPA keys” task
The Import Your Content Engine LTPA keys task is run successfully as shown in Figure 13.41:
Figure 13.41: The “Import Your Content Engine LTPA keys” task is run successfully
The Configure the JDBC Driver for Your Database task is run as shown in Figure 13.42:
Figure 13.42: The “Configure the JDBC Driver for Your Database” task is run using the Run Task command
The Configure Your Database and Data Source task is run to create the ECMClientDS and ECMTaskManagerDS data sources required. The first page of the scrollable parameters is shown in Figure 13.43:
Figure 13.43: The “Configure Your Database and Data Source” task is run to create the Data Sources – Page 1
The Configure Your Database and Data Source task, second page of the scrollable parameters are shown and the Test Database Connection button is selected as shown in Figure 13.44:
Figure 13.44: The “Configure Your Database and Data Source” task, second page of the scrollable parameters