14.1.2 Rules ODMMessages.jar copy to fix the solution validate issues
Complete the following steps to copy the required file on your system before you re-attempt solution deployment:
- Copy the ODMMessages.jar file from the Case Manager install location (CaseManagement/configure/AddOns/ODMMessages.jar) to the following directory where Content Platform Engine is deployed:
WebSphere – /lib/ext.
Where is where WebSphere is installed, e.g.
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 ECMClient]# pwd
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 ECMClient]# find /opt -name ODMMessages.jar
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 ECMClient]# ls /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 ECMClient]# cp /opt/IBM/CaseManagement/configure/AddOns/ODMMessages.jar /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext
[root@ECMUKDEMO22 ECMClient]# - We also need to run the Rules task of the IBM Case Manager configuration Manager.
We start by running the steps from step 10 of Chapter 13, Installing Content Navigator 3.0.13 and Case Manager 5.3.3, section 13.2.2 Configuring the development environment, by running the Configure Business Rules task. Run this task only if your environment uses business rules:
cd /opt/IBM/CaseManagement/configure
export SWT_GTK3=0:
./configmgr - We have to use the File | Edit Profile Properties menu to re-enter the wasadm password as shown in Figure 14.22, before running the Configure Business Rules Task:
Figure 14.22: We must use the File | Edit Profile Properties menu to re-enter the wasadm password
- After entering the IBM WebServer Application server profile, AppSrv02 wasadm user password, as highlighted, the Test Connection button is run to give the pop-up window Test Results as shown in Figure 14.23:
Figure 14.23: AppSrv02 wasadm user password gives a successful connection message for the Test Results
- After the Next button is selected, in Figure 14.23, the administrator password for the IBM Content Navigator application is entered and it displays the Successfully connected pop-up window message after clicking the Test Connection button, as shown in Figure 14.24:
Figure 14.24: The Admin user password gives a successfully connected message for the IBM Content navigator
- After the Next command is selected, in Figure 14.24, the administrator password for the IBM Content Engine application is entered and it displays the Successfully connected pop-up window message after clicking the Test Connection command, as shown in Figure 14.25:
Figure 14.25: The Admin user password gives a successfully connected message for the IBM Content Engine
- The Run Task button is clicked to run the Configure Business Rules Task, after entering the Rule operations username and password (we use the recommended Process Engine Administrator account user, P8Admin) as shown in Figure 14.26:
Figure 14.26: The Run Task command button is clicked to run the Configure Business Rules Task
- The Configure Business Rules task runs successfully, as shown in Figure 14.27:
Figure 14.27: The Configure Business Rules task runs successfully
- The Linux command, find /opt -name ODMMessages.jar, is used to locate the ODMMessages.jar file and then it is copied, as shown in Figure 14.28:
Figure 14.28: Locate the ODMMessages.jar file and then copy to /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/ext
- Restart the IBM Content Platform Engine applications server as shown in Figure 14.29:
cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin
./stopServer.sh server1
./startServer.sh server1
Figure 14.29: Restart the IBM Content Platform Engine applications server
The Validate command now runs on the General Claims Case Type tasks with no errors as shown in Figure 14.30:
Figure 14.30: The Validate command now runs on the General Claims Case Type tasks with no errors
The Deploy icon of the IBM Case Builder web application is used to deploy the Auto Claims solution as shown in Figure 14.31:
Figure 14.31: The Deploy icon of the IBM Case Builder web application deploys the Auto Claims solution
The Auto Claims solution has a white tick mark on a green background icon, indicating it has been successfully deployed, as shown in Figure 14.32:
Figure 14.32: The Auto Claims solution has a white tick mark on a green background icon
The IBM Business Rules task run has fixed the solution deployment error issue. The IBM Case Manager Client is started using the Icon highlighted as shown in Figure 14.33:
Figure 14.33: The IBM Case Manager Client is started to test the Auto Claims solution