16.1.2 Starting the CSS Server
Run the Firewall command to open the 8191 ports on ecmukdemo22, and ecmukdemo6 as shown in Figure 16.17:
systemctl start firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
firewall-cmd –add-service=nfs
firewall-cmd –add-service=rpc-bind
firewall-cmd –add-service=mountd
firewall-cmd –zone=public –permanent –add-port=8191/tcp
firewall-cmd –reload
Figure 16.17: Run the Firewall command to open the 8191 ports on ecmukdemo22, and ecmukdemo6
The firewall-cmd commands are repeated on ecmukdemo6 as shown in Figure 16.18:
Figure 16.18: The firewall-cmd commands are repeated on ecmukdemo6
The Content Search Server services are started using the commands as follows:
cd /opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/bin
The server starts successfully as shown in Figure 16.19:
Figure 16.19: The server starts successfully
16.1.3 Using the mount points
We need to create new shared mount points to allow the CSS server to communicate with the second IBM FileNet P8 Content Engine. We can use the VMware shared folders as shown with configuration in Figure 16.20, and using the paths as follows, on VMware ECMUKDEMO6:
We set these shared mount points up using the procedure as follows:
Figure 16.20: Add a new shared folder using the Add command button, to ECMUKDEMO22
Select the VMware Host path to use as the shared folder root as shown in Figure 16.21:
Figure 16.21: Select the VMware Host path to use as the shared folder root
Select the Enable this share tick-box and click Finish as shown in Figure 16.22:
Figure 16.22: Select the Enable this share tick-box and click Finish
Click OK to close the VMware shared folder settings window as shown in Figure 16.23:
Figure 16.23: Click OK to close the VMware shared folder settings window
16.1.4 Creating an Affinity Group called Search2
Create a new Affinity Group called Search2 using the acce web administration tool as shown in Figure 16.24:
Figure 16.24: Create a new Affinity Group called Search2 using the acce web administration tool
The Search2 display name and description are entered as shown in Figure 16.25:
Figure 16.25: The Search2 display name and description are entered
The Finish button is used to create the Search2 Affinity object, as shown in Figure 16.26:
Figure 16.26: The Finish command is used to create the Serach2 Affinity object
The status of the creation of the Search2 Affinity group object is displayed as shown in Figure 16.27:
Figure 16.27: The status of the creation of the Search2 Affinity group object is displayed
The Search2 Affinity Group can be seen after using the Refresh button as shown in Figure 16.28:
Figure 16.28: The Search2 Affinity Group can be seen after using the Refresh command